
For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

- Mark 10:45

One of our values is to make room for people to volunteer. Whether it’s for a church event or a community service event, we have plenty of opportunities to serve. Click the link below and let us know that you are interested in volunteering. We will get back to you soon with some ideas.

Volunteer FAQ

How do I volunteer?
SImply click the link above and fill out the form with as much clarity as you can.  There is a box to check if you just want to take a "test drive" of a serving team. We have plenty of teams for you to serve on whether you have been a part of Pathfinder for 1 day or many.
How do I volunteer with kids?
The safety of children is a priority for us at Pathfinder.  We really need to know the people with whom we entrust our kids to.  However, we need good people to work with Camp Pathfinder.  If you are interested, start serving on one of our other teams by clicking the button above.  We draft for our Camp Pathfinder team from our existing volunteers.
What is a "First Serve" team
A First Serve team is simply one of our Sunday morning teams in which anyone can be a part of.  Examples include: Camp Pathfinder Set Up/Tear Down,  Audio/Visual, Service Set Up/Tear Down, Hospitality Teams (greeters, food, guest table), Parking Team, Sign Team, and the like.
How do I volunteer with music?
At Pathfinder, musical skill is less important than who you are as a person.  Because of this, we want our future band members to start serving on one of our other teams so our organization can have a chance to get to know you and for you to have a chance to get to know us. If you need more clarity, send us a question below!

Questions about volunteering?

We love to clarify volunteering requirements. Please reach out if you still have questions.